"The whole spiritual journey might be summed up as humble hope." Thomas Keating

Comments Policy

The Three Legged Stool is intended to be a place for discussing some of the basic and deeper principles behind Alcoholics Anonymous. As such, comments are very important and are encouraged. However, some rules are in order.

This blog is a completely independent place for the discussion of recovery. It is not associated with Alcoholics Anonymous in any way. The blog is open to comments from anyone and posting or commenting is not to be taken as an indication of membership in AA, NA or any other recovery program.

All comments are moderated. This is intended as a protection against spam, obscenity, personal attacks, rants, irrelevant comments and other inappropriate material. We work to review and approve comments as quickly as possible, but please do not resubmit your comment if it does not appear right away.

Inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages (aka trolling) are strictly forbidden, as is any form of spam.

Relevant links in comments are actively encouraged - if you’re leaving a comment and want to link to your own or someone else’s site that is relevant to the topic then please feel free to do so. This adds to the conversation and improves the blog. Irrelevant links, however, will probably be deleted.

While The Three Legged Stool is intended to be a very open forum for discussing recovery and its spiritual basis, we reserve the right to edit or remove any post for any reason. The goal is to stay on topic and in the spirit of recovery.

You, and only you, are responsible for your words. They are yours and you get to keep them, however, just remember that by posting them in this forum and on the Internet they are subject to other people's (the moderators included) using, quoting or simply cutting and pasting the crap out of them. So just remember, once your comment is submitted, that’s it — it’s out there.

All comments within this blog are the responsibility of the commenter, not the blog owner, administrator, contributor, editor, or author. By submitting a comment on our blog, you agree that the comment content is your own, and to hold The Three Legged Stool and all subsidiaries and representatives harmless from any and all repercussions, damages, or liability.

Anonymity. Although this blog is not associated with Alcoholics Anonymous, given its topic a reminder about anonymity in all media is appropriate. All posters to this blog should respect the tradition of anonymity. Please do not identify yourself or anyone else by full name as a member of AA, NA, or any other recovery program.

In general, please approach The Three Legged Stool the way you would approach a meeting of a recovery program. Commenting, like sharing at a meeting, gives you the ability to contribute to the fellowship and other people's recovery. Please be gracious and make sure you add value. We are all in this together.