Newcomers often balk at the idea of "one day at a time." After all, it's a trick -- we all know we're really talking about the rest of our lives, right? But, as a speaker at this morning's meeting said, we all drank one day at a time. I know for me it was always "well, OK, I've had a rough day (or it's hot, or I'm thirsty) so I'll have one tonight and tomorrow I'll stop - or at least cut down." I never thought 'Yippee, I'm going to get polluted every night for the rest of my life!!"
It went beyond just the drink itself, too. I knew I was screwing up my life and my future, but it was always 'this is what I'll do today; I'll deal with tomorrow when it comes. I should have come into the program as one of the world's formost experts at living in the day and, yet, it's still a struggle. As a former sponsor liked to say, I have a strong tendency to live in the wreckage of the future, sacrificing today's joy to my fear of tomorrow.
Well said.