"The whole spiritual journey might be summed up as humble hope." Thomas Keating

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Do the next right thing?

In the last couple of days I've had three conversations with AAers about the slogan "Do the next right thing".  I can take a hint - it looks like I should post something about it.

This slogan is, if I understand it correctly, aimed at making sure that we act rather than just passively await events and that we think about what we do.  Fine.  However, I do have two quibbles.

First, I think the slogan is unrealistic.  We don't do the next right thing; we do the next thing that looks right to us at the time.  That sounds like a small distinction, but I don't think it is.  We have to allow for the fact that no matter how carefully we think things through, no matter how many people we talk with, we will always get it partially right and partially wrong.  We then try to build on what's right and correct what's wrong by - you guessed it - doing the next thing that looks right to us at the time.  We have no straight path to perfection.  We have a zig zag path to doing better.

Second, at least for me trying to do the next right thing is a formula for paralysis.  I can easily freeze myself into complete immobility by endlessly pondering what the absolutely right thing is.  For me, at least, a better slogan would be "Do what looks good and then build on progress and fix the damage."

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