"The whole spiritual journey might be summed up as humble hope." Thomas Keating

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Heard at meetings and random thoughts

Don’t assume evil motives for what stupidity can explain.

The greatest mistake you can make is to be continually fearing you will make one.

When making amends, a subtle shift occurs in our thinking. We go from thinking we were a mistake to acknowledging we made a mistake.


  1. "Don't fail before you fail," my wife's been saying lately. Or, conversely, don't succeed before you succeed. 4th dimension is the moment, and I was a discontented time traveler for many years. Today I do the right thing; except when I don't. I enjoy the company of others; except when I don't (but that's my problem). Pearl Jam has a song called "Present Tense" which addresses this "fearing," - the mind's means of magically magnifying, which is just its "foe" as opposed to "friend" warning, which then kicks in the fight or flight mechanism. "Don't assume..." never helped me (but that's just me), but the "amends" and other steps re-grooved the thought patterns.

  2. yes, that shift is so important. Even when I have to dicipline my kids I try to reinforce the idea that they are not "a bad person" but rather they just made a "bad choice"
