"The whole spiritual journey might be summed up as humble hope." Thomas Keating

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Today I turn 60

Today I turn 60 years old. A good time for feeling old, a failure  -- after all, I did drink myself out of a good career and any possibility of material success.

But 4005 days ago I collapsed from alcohol induced heart failure and was pretty much expected to die.  That was my bottom after 25 - 30 years of daily blackout drinking and the beginning of my new, sober life.  So, at the very least I should celebrate the fact that I'm still here, 4005 days past my sell-by date.  Beyond that, recovery and the life it has given me make me actually happy that I'm still here.  I am a happier, nicer, even wiser person than I was when I was drinking.  As I heard someone say, I was young once and I wasn't very good at it.  I'm pretty good at being post-young and when I decide I'm actually old my bet is that I'll be good at that, too

So, today is a day of celebration.

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