"The whole spiritual journey might be summed up as humble hope." Thomas Keating

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Our lives become prayer

I have mentioned in some of my comments on the Second and Third Steps that I think that it is useful to view people as 'practical polytheists', that is to say, in our practical, daily lives we in fact worship many Higher Powers, what I refer to as Gods and Idols, but many might prefer to call Higher and Lower Powers. In other words, we value, follow, even worship and pray to many things that we are powerless over, both positive and negative. Some examples would be the economy, others' opinions of us, our jobs, money, justice, peace, love, security....the list goes on and on and differs from person to person.

In the Second Step we recognize these various powers greate than ourselves, including both those can can restore us to sanity (Higher Powers, Gods) and those that lie at the foundation of our insanity and pain (Idols, Lower Powers). In the Third Step we make a decision to turn our lives and our wills over to the Gods/Higher Powers and to turn away from the Idols/Lower powers. So, for example, we could decide to turn our lives over to love and avoid any instances of our turning our lives over to money.
When I make this decision and carry through on it all of my daily activities become guided by my devotion to my Higher Powers or Gods and my renunciation of my Lower Powers or Idols. My every action, My very life becomes a prayer. As one of my favorite Shaker comments says:
There is as much worship in good workmanship, done in the right spirit, as in any other act; the spirit of the thing done and not the act itself is the key to tell whether anything is done be worship or not.
C.B. Bostwick, Shaker Elder

1 comment:

  1. I am reminded of something I was told in early sobriety: "Worry is a form of negative prayer. It says I don't trust God with the outcome of this situation."
